Recent Publications and Presentations
SelectedRecent Publications
1. Hood L, Heath JR, PhelpsME, Lin B: Systems biology and new technologies enable predictive andpreventative medicine. Science 2004, 306(5696):640-643.
2. Ding D, Lou X, Hua D, Yu W, Li L, Wang J, et al. Recurrent targetedgenes of hepatitis B virus in the liver cancer genomes identified by anext-generation sequencing-based approach. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(12):e1003065.
3. KolkerE., Altintas, I., Bourne, P., Faris, J., Fox, G., Frishman, D., Geraci, C.,Hancock, W., Lin, B., Lancet, D., Lisitsa, A., Knight, R., Martens, L.,Mesirov, J., ?zdemir, V., Schultes, E., Smith,T., Snyder, M., Srivastava, S.,Toppo S., and Wilmes, P. Reproducibility: In praise of open research measures.Nature, 2013, 498 (7453):170.
4. Ding W, Qiu Q, Liu G, Liu J, Mao R, Lin B. Metadata checklist:identification of CHI3L1 and MASP2 as a biomarker pair for liver cancer throughintegrative secretome and transcriptome analysis. Omics: a journal ofintegrative biology. 2014;18(10):658-61.
5. Huang H, Wu T, Mao J, Fang Y, Zhang J, Wu L, et al. CHI3L1 Is aLiver-Enriched, Noninvasive Biomarker That Can Be Used to Stage and DiagnoseSubstantial Hepatic Fibrosis. OMICS: an Journal of Integrative Biology.2015;19(6):339-45.
6. Qu, Y., N. Gharbi, X.Yuan, J. R. Olsen, P. Blicher, B. Dalhus, K. A. Brokstad, B. Lin, A. M. Oyan,W. Zhang, K. H. Kalland and X. Ke (2016). "Axitinib blocksWnt/beta-catenin signaling and directs asymmetric cell division incancer." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(33): 9339-9344.
7. Mao, R., J. Liu, G. Liu,S. Jin, Q. Xue, L. Ma, Y. Fu, N. Zhao, J. Xing, L. Li, Y. Qiu and B. Lin(2017). "Whole genome sequencing of matched tumor, adjacent non-tumortissues and corresponding normal blood samples of hepatocellular carcinomapatients revealed dynamic changes of the mutations profiles duringhepatocarcinogenesis." Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 17. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.15428.
8. Lin, B., S.Wu, Y. Liu, L. Liu and S. Mushtaq (2018). "Chitinase-3-like protein 1 as apredictor for the progression or regression of liver fibrosis." HepatomaRes 4: 48
9. Qiu, Q.,Wang, L. , Liu, G., Jin, S., Ma, L., Ma,Y.., Zhao, N., Yan, J., Zhang H. and B.Lin (2019). "Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Putative Predictors of RecurrentProstate Cancer with High Accuracy." OMICS 23(8): 380-388.
10. Lin, B., Y. Ma, S. Wu, Y. Liu, L. Liu and L. Wu (2019). "NovelSerum Biomarkers for Noninvasive Diagnosis and Screening of Nonalcoholic FattyLiver Disease-Related Hepatic Fibrosis." OMICS 23(4): 181-189.
11. Lin, B. (2020). "China and Multiomics Research and DevelopmentEcosystem: A Horizon Scanning and Current State of the Art." OMICS 24, 3-4 (2020).
12. Lin, B. and Wu, S. COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019): Opportunities andChallenges for Digital Health and the Internet of Medical Things in China ,
Presentations(CHI3L1-related Oral and Poster Presentations at International Conferences)
1. CHI3L1 as a non-invasivemarker for effective selecting of chronic HBV patient with normal ALT levelsbut with advanced liver fibrosis for treatments. The 29th Asian PacificAssociation for the Study of the Liver (APASL) 2020 in Bali, Indonesia,Presidential plenary, March 7th , 2020. Presented by Prof GraceWong, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2. CHI3L1 is a non-invasivesurrogate serum marker for effectively identifying chronic HBV patient withnormal ALT levels but with advanced liver fibrosis for treatments. Oralpresentation, APASL STC April 18-20, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. Presented by Dr.Biaoyang Lin, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
3. Screening of significant liver fibrosis in generalpopulations and high risk HBV carriers in China, Oral presentation, APASL 2018, New Delhi, India. March 14th-18th. Presented by Dr. Biaoyang Lin,University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
4. CHI3L1 performs better thanAPRI FIB-4 and GP73 as a non-invasive marker for the staging of liver fibrosis, Oral presentation, APASL2018, New Delhi, India. March 14th-18th. Presented by Dr. Biaoyang Lin,University of Washington, Seattle, USA
5. Hepatitis C Virus Eradication by Direct Acting Antiviral Leads to Earlyand Significant Improvement of Liver Fibrosis, Poster, Boston, USA. AASLD, Nov.8-12, 2019. Presented by Prof.Xiaoyuan Xu’s group, the First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University,Beijing, China.
Comparison of YKL‐40, FIB-4, ARRI against Shear Wave Elastographyto assess the stage of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis Bpatients, Poster, Boston, USA, 2017. Presented by Dr. Saadiya Mushtaq, ArmedForces Institute of Pathology, Pakistan.